Posted on December 8, 2013, by Nertea.
Arr guys, it's been a while! We're doing a blitz of news though, because we've had a lot of progress in the last few months. Here's three dev blog entries that talk about a lot of things!
First, Captains that talk, ships that shoot! Check out a new ship and some info about AI personalities.
New ship? Or, is it an old ship? In which Alex shows off a cool looking "old-style" EMPOL ship. This will be a lot of fun to use ingame.
A new map is shown off in New battleground! Featuring the AIAD complex in our Space Terrain news piece a while back.
I also uploaded more screenshots to IndieDB, so head on over there to check them out. We're even working on a new website! Interesting times indeed. Oh and it is that time of the year, where IndieDB does this whole Indie of the Year competition. Please consider voting for us, we'd really appreciate your support!
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Posted on August 15, 2013, by Nertea.
Well, it's been a while since I've posted anything around these parts! Rest assured that we're still working hard on getting the next version out. We'll actually have some more info on release plans in the next weeks, so stay tuned.
Here are some screenshots from our latest beta build, which is coming together quite nicely. Of note - directional shadows, new skyboxes and lots of cool effects.
Head over and check out the rest of the screenshots over at IndieDB.
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Posted on June 15, 2013, by Nertea.
It seems that I've been somewhat remiss with keeping all the various sites posted of our devlog updates. We've actually had two since the last post - one by me and another by Alex. They cover two topics that include lots of pretty pictures, particularly the Space Terrain entry. Of course, the Special Effects one isn't too shabby either... I recommend having a look at both.
For the upcoming week, stick around. I hear that Alex has some kind of spaceship design video planned, which I haven't seen yet, but have been assured that it's very cool.
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Posted on May 13, 2013, by Nertea.
Hey all, been a while!
A new development blog entry is live in the usual place. It talks about some changes we're making to starship physics and visuals from the demo. It also has a nice render of the EMPOL Blackjack battleship.
Head over and read it!
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Posted on April 2, 2013, by Nertea.
Hey all,
A new development blog entry is live here. This is the second in the How to Destroy a Starship series - Chris Destroys a Starship. It's about how I go about creating and animating the destruction effects that bring the destroyed meshes created in our previous entry to life
Head over and read it!
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